Monday 30 July 2012

Small steps

Last week was a great week for Mr Choe as he received an award and then was selected as a testimonial speaker at a function at Great Eastern.

First, the award ceremony. Nothing much to say so just post pictures la.

At the event, we were first treated with a harmonica performance.
Was really cool, I have never seen such a long harmonica, Haha. See the one to the right.

Then, on Saturday, Mr Choe was invited to give a speech, sharing his first six months of experience with some 100 people. He gave a sincere account of what he was doing before, what made him change his course of life, like a big ship doing a steer to a less navigated path, what he felt from when he first started until now. I was glad the audience was quite engaged in his speech, giving him some applause and laughter as he went along, good sign! This is his maiden speech in GE and he did a great job!

Caught ya!

Went to Alexis to get Tiramisu after a job well done. Hehe.
(How come I look like I don't have enough sleep? :(( )

People always ask us what made us do what we are doing now. I would only say, we found meaning in this beautiful industry. We speak on behalf of children who need education funds when they grow up, we speak on behalf of families who lost their shelter and food when their breadwinners did not return home, we speak on behalf of old uncles and aunties who still need to work through their golden age and cannot yet depend on their children for income, we speak on behalf of orphans who had to leave their homes and be sent to orphanages for they no longer have families who could provide for them.

No one knows what happens in the future and we surely do not want any of what I have just mentioned to happen to any of us. Therefore, for you who do not want to take this gamble, you know we can help you. :)

It feels good to be recognized in some ways for our efforts, but the real recognition comes from all the clients that have benefited from our service. There's no better feeling than knowing that you have helped and knowing that the person knows it when they say their heartfelt thanks and show their appreciation in various ways. I hope, this is the beginning of many more great things to come! Support a bit, let me hear you say ayeee! Hahahhaa.

Every business has its MISSION, and I BELIEVE in mine.



  1. OoO, i saw the new blouse ^_^

    p/s: hope u and mr choe become millionaire one day and buy me tiramisu okie :D

  2. When that really happens, not only tiramisu, any cake you want!! ;)))
