Saturday 21 July 2012

Where there is rain, there is rainbow

When driving back to KL last Sunday, we saw this amazing rainbow right in front of us. It was like, we were traveling over a rainbow.

When faced with rain, sometimes one must know where to look and one might just find a rainbow. :)

Just like, when we face challenges in life, we need to be strong, face them, and something good will come out of these challenges. The best is yet to come!

Ok you may think I am feeling all wisey wisey out of nothing. Haha. But every time I look at this picture, I feel this way. Hehe. For the record, it is completely unedited and this is the first and only shot of this rainbow yo!

ps/ Today, somehow, I got compliments from two friends, one saying I am a hottie, another one saying I look pretty in white. Hahhaha. Thanks for making my day. :P (sounds so vain, lol)


  1. After staring at the pict for 2 mins, i found the rainbow. haha!

  2. Exactly my caption! One must know where to look! ;))
